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Boost Your Life: How to Increase Intensity Easily

By Matt SantiSeptember 7, 2024
Focused male athlete sprinting in red tank top, displaying strength and determination in competition.

How to increase intensity in your life

Intensity is more than just the number of hours, seconds, or the length of time spent working. It includes both your personal and business growth. It is important to be motivated in everything you do and enjoy your work. Think about it this way: you really want to learn, grow, and be successful. When you live strongly, you give it your all, stay focused, and keep your thoughts clear.

Being careless doesn’t mean you’re living your best life. At this point, it means that you are concentrating on a clear and understandable plan. Let’s learn more about this interesting idea and look at How to Increase Intensity in Your Life, to improve your job and your own growth.

What is Intensity?

According to 20,000 Days and Counting author Robert Smith, 

Intensity is a state of emotion.” Enthusiasm is intensity. “Passion is intensity.” 

Intensity is the key to growth in all aspects of life, including workouts and exercise. Not just occasionally but daily in its entirety. Some refer to it as perseverance or work ethic. Some refer to it as focus or determination. ”Whatever you want to name it, progress is impossible without it. Once, Calvin Coolidge remarked,”

Persistence is the only thing that can replace it in this world. Talent won’t work; men with talent who fail are more prevalent than not. Talent won’t; unrecognized talent is practically a proverb. There are many educated beggars in the world; thus, education won’t workout. Only determination and resolve possess dominion.

Why is it important?

To live a meaningful life, you need to use all of your energy and ability. Knowing more about yourself, your skills, your creativity, and your drive is possible. You can see troubles as chances to get better and grow when you are having them. The intensity of life is focused on the process itself, which has the power to change you and give your life more meaning and purpose, not just on reaching outside goals.

To make this modern, powerful tool work well, you need to find a balance between your daily tasks and your favorite hobby. Every step you take toward your goals will bring you closer to reaching them if you do what truly makes you happy. There is something about this placement that makes you want to leave your comfort zone and do amazing things.

Habits to Eliminate to increase intensity in your life:

Achieving your goals and leading a satisfying life depend on forming beneficial habits and avoiding unhelpful ones. To improve your chances of success, steer clear of the following habits:


Delaying work till the very last minute causes anxiety, subpar work, and lost chances. Instead, make it a habit to do significant chores first and often.

Negative self-talk: 

Talking to yourself negatively can undermine your confidence and prevent you from moving forward. Positive affirmations that reaffirm your abilities and strengths help you counter negative thinking.

How to increase intensity

Pursuing perfection: 

Pursuing perfection can cause stagnation and frustration. Rather, concentrate on improving consistently and growing from your errors. Accept imperfections as necessary for personal development.

Fear of failing: 

This fear can prevent you from taking chances and going for your goals. Accept failure as a chance for growth and learning. Consider failures as stepping stones to achievement.

Absence of planning: 

You run the risk of getting lost and making bad decisions if you don’t have a good plan. Establish specific objectives, create a strategy to reach them, and divide difficult jobs into smaller, more doable ones.

Comparing yourself to others: 

Making comparisons to other people can make you feel inadequate and discouraged. Remain focused on your path and acknowledge your achievements, irrespective of what others may be doing. Have a growth mindset, understanding that your journey is unique and every step forward no matter how small is progress.


Although it could appear effective, multitasking frequently results in lower productivity and more mistakes. Give each task your undivided attention while concentrating on it.

Lack of sleep: 

Getting enough sleep is crucial for maintaining both physical and mental health. Try to get 7–8 hours of good sleep every night to improve your ability to concentrate, be creative, and perform in general.

Unhealthy diet: 

Eating poorly can have a detrimental effect on your concentration, energy, and general health. Make wholesome eating choices and limit your intake of processed foods and sugary beverages.

Lack of exercise in routine: 

Maintaining one’s physical and mental well-being requires regular exercise. On most days of the week, try to get in at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise

Step How to Increase Intensity in Your Life

Discover your passion:

Being passionate about something you don’t believe in is impossible. The issue is that a lot of individuals act against their beliefs because they are chasing other goals (like money, for example). Jobs prioritized creating excellent products over anything else. With rare exceptions, he was constantly working on a cause that he was passionate about.

He was able to do it intensely because of this. Never be content to accomplish something for the sake of money, notoriety, or other material gains. Being true to your beliefs is the first step toward achieving greatness.

Have a distinct vision:

It is only possible to be productive to work hard when you are motivated to do so. That will ultimately result in stress and can only be detrimental. It would help if you felt more driven by purpose.

Why do you always lose your evenings? What’s the ultimate goal? How will this strategy improve things for you and the rest of the world in the long run, in the short to medium term? Before you consider taking this course, consider all of these insightful thoughts.

How to increase intensity

Accept the fact that life is Short:

In his letter, Moses urged us to “grow in wisdom by teaching us to realize the brevity of life.” (Psalm 90:12). Realizing how brief life helps us not only understand what matters most in life but also that we need to take action right away.

Time is of the essence; therefore, we have to move quickly. We experience a sense of urgency, which increases the intensity. In actuality, you and I have little time to complete all of our to-do lists. Life is not long. Get going!

Stay away from distractions:

You have a finite amount of energy. Thus, you can never be too intense by doing too much. Your attention should be concentrated on a select few issues. Don’t overextend yourself.

Job’s emphasized the value of attention on multiple occasions. He gave up on a number of initiatives that he considered to be distracting when he was appointed Apple’s temporary CEO in 1997. Rather, he concentrated the company’s efforts on a small number of essential items. That proved to be the wise course of action. Even when an opportunity seems favorable, you should learn to turn it down. It is equally crucial to know what not to do as it is to know what to do.

Establish a deadline:

A deadline is a faked goal that inspires enthusiasm and resolve. People who say things like “I work better under pressure” or “I work better with a deadline” have undoubtedly been heard before. Our minds are alerted by a deadline to the necessity for action, and it must happen immediately!

One of the first things experts advise writing down is the date you will finish, whether you are aiming to publish a book or pay off debt. To help them stay on track, many people even divide their longer-term goals and objectives into a number of smaller deadlines.

Make a change:

Nothing puts you in the zone more quickly than putting something on the line. Take a chance. It’s okay to take a significant risk, and pursuing your wild idea won’t mean quitting your fantastic job in the city and spending all of your money.

It helps to keep you focused and operating at full capacity if you can take a small amount of risk and risk losing something. To motivate you toward long-term success, there must be a price associated with long-term failure.

Spend time with quality people:  

If you still need to get a support system, create one. Colleagues, friends, family, and your spouse must all be aware of your goals and feeling of purpose. They must recognize the advantages of having you adopt this perspective and be able to share in the greater good’s goal. Behaving like an outsider will inevitably result in relationship disintegration.

Although some people believe you can accomplish everything by yourself, the more people who can support your direction, the more you’ll achieve in a shorter amount of time.

Give your accountability partner more authority:

When someone is accountable, they all advance more quickly. When someone in your life is aware of your efforts and keeps you accountable, accountability takes place. Intensity is the result. This is the reason serious athletes pay life coaches, business executives hire personal coaches, and individuals attempting to stop drinking alcohol have sponsors.

Accountability breeds intensity and results come from intensity. This phenomenon is known as “The Pygmalion Effect” in psychology. “People tend to rise to the level of other people’s expectations of them,” according to the Pygmalion Effect. Humans dislike disappointing the people we love and respect the most in our lives.

How to increase intensity
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