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How to Recognize Your Greatness to celebrate your Unique Strength

By Matt SantiFebruary 17, 2024
Solitary figure on a beach at sunset, contemplating the horizon in peaceful solitude.
How to recognize your greatness
Some people in our society tell us to love and appreciate ourselves, but not too much. People older than us are always telling us how smart, pretty, talented, and good we are when we are kids. But when we get older and realize these things about ourselves, we are often seen as arrogant, insecure, or selfish. All of the words on the list sound negative, which couldn’t be further from the this article, I will explain the topic of How to Recognize Your Greatness to teach you how to find and celebrate your unique strengths and Greatness. People today seem to mix up what it means to be cocky with what it means to be sure of yourself. Self-esteem, positivity, and inner strength are all parts of confidence. Arrogance is bragging, feeling good about yourself, and showing off. Someone confident is someone who knows how valuable they are and is proud of what they’ve done but doesn’t need to brag about it. I’ll be the first to say out loud that I’m “killing life” or that I look beautiful today. I don’t say those things to brag or to get other people to agree with me; I just do them because I feel good and don’t see a problem with saying them. Putting a lot of pictures of yourself on social media doesn’t always mean you think you’re better than other people. It’s not a bad thing to brag to your friends about your accomplishments, etc. We need to change this negative way of thinking to a more positive one. Self-love and appreciation shouldn’t be seen as a way to make other people feel bad about themselves. It’s a party to honor Greatness. For me, those good times are used to push other people to work harder and appreciate themselves more. People always forget that there is space at the table for everyone, so let’s focus on making each other stronger instead of looking for ways to bring each other down.

What does Being Greatness mean?

When people talk about “greatness,” they usually mean being outstanding in some way. Or, “Greatness” means being able to lead people in a new direction. One that will help the most people who are affected by that direction. It usually means getting very good at something or being very successful at something in a certain field or endeavor. Being great is a personal thing that can show up in many ways, such as intellectual achievements, artistic creations, moral character, leadership skills, or acts of kindness and bravery. In the end, being great usually means leaving a lasting legacy, making a big difference for the better, and inspiring others through your actions or accomplishments. Also, Greatness isn’t always seen right away. It may take generations to make people aware of something. Furthermore, it is often hard to guess where Greatness will come from.

Why is it important to Recognize Greatness in yourself?

Recognizing your Greatness has numerous benefits.

Increase Your Confidence: 

Having your talents and accomplishments acknowledged makes you feel good! As a result, you might feel more self-assured, willing to take on new challenges, and confident in yourself.


By recognizing your advantages, you can become more self-aware. You can then identify your areas of strength and potential improvement.

Feeling Motivated:: 

Having a strong sense of self-awareness can be very motivating. It acts as a reminder of your potential, which inspires you to keep working towards your goals.

Feeling satisfied: 

Taking pride in your accomplishments is a great way to feel happier and more well-rounded overall.

Impact of Recognition of Own Mental Health:

Recognition can have a big positive effect on mental Health, especially when it comes to self-esteem, motivation, and lowering stress. The effects are broken down below:

Increased self-esteem and confidence:

When someone’s efforts and contributions are recognized, they feel proud of what they’ve done. This makes them feel better about themselves and lessens their feelings of not being good enough or self-doubt.

Increased motivation and engagement: 

When people feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to do their best. When people are recognized, it makes them want to contribute more and become more interested in their work.

Lessened stress and got better Happiness: 

Being recognized can make you feel less stressed and anxious because it makes you feel like you belong. It gives people a basic need to feel like they belong and are valued, which makes them happier.

Why is it important for you to see Greatness in Stranger?

Many of us believe that only a few people are truly great. When we put other people on a pedestal, we miss the chance to see that Greatness is all around us. These out-of-the-ordinary events happen in our everyday lives. Flogging is all about noticing small and big strengths and talents in other people that deserve to be seen, whether they are in our personal or professional lives.

How to Recognize Your Greatness

Being Self-Awareness:

The first step should be self-awareness to get to know yourself to recognize your Greatness. It won’t be as easy as it sounds to know your strengths and weaknesses. We can’t choose not to understand our surpluses and deficits on our way to becoming great people. If we want to improve our performance, we need to be able to deal with our emotions in ways that motivate and drive us right away. It has been shown over and over that a person’s IQ determines about twenty percent of their success. A lot more is caused by emotions. If we aren’t aware of how we feel, we might manage our habits in ways that aren’t helpful. Personal awareness means that we are getting better at reading our emotions accurately. This will help us learn to control our negative thoughts and feelings and become more aware of them. For personal mastery, it’s important to be able to control your frame of mind.

Follow your dreams:

You don’t dream your dreams when you care about what other people think of you and how they feel about what you’ve done. You need to think about what you want for yourself and your plans for your professional journey if you want to own your Greatness. That might be hard to figure out, but I think I should take some time to think about it: Is that what I want for myself? Or what other people want from me?

Set Clear goals in your life:

It’s important to write down your big goals if you want to reach them. It’s easy to see where you are and where you want to go over time with the help of a tool I made. It’s what I call the “Whole Health Spider Graph” because it looks at eight important areas of life that need work. And they’re all linked! (like a web made of spiders.) Taking the time to do this exercise will help you understand yourself better in terms of your physical Health, finances, job, personal life, mental Health, spirituality, family, and friends. Also, the graph tells you to make SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) goals for each area. This will take you about an hour to do the first time. After that, put it somewhere you can see it every day. Plan to do this again every three months so you can see how far you’ve come over time.

Where your Inspiration comes from:

Write down the name of someone who inspires you. This person can be someone you know or someone you don’t know but really admire. You can also write about a specific time when you interacted with or saw this person as a great inspiration. We can learn a lot from role models, and their stories help us feel strong when things are hard. The person you look up to could be someone you know, like your boss, a famous person, a politician, or someone from history. It doesn’t matter who it is as long as they understand your hopes and dreams. Think about what they did, pay attention to what they said, and learn from their mistakes.

Let go of your anger and Jealousy:

Even though being angry or jealous is a normal part of being human, it will be hard to be happy if you feel those emotions all the time. Being great will elude you. Spend some time recognizing that many people in the world are worse off than you instead of comparing yourself to people you think are better off than you. Even though some people have a lot less, they have a better, more grateful attitude. Forgive people who have hurt you in the past. Not letting go of your anger and resentment hurts you more than it hurts them. Free your heart and forgive yourself more than anything else. Get over your judgmental thoughts. You could talk to the person who makes you mad, or I’ve heard that writing them a letter that you don’t mail could help. I can’t tell you which way to go, but I do know that you need to let it out. For a long time, one thing that gave me a lot of trouble was thinking that forgiveness meant being free. It’s not true. The bad thing that happened still took place, and forgiving someone just takes the weight off your shoulders.

Learn to forgive yourself:

Remember to forgive yourself until you feel calm down if you notice any judgments, irrational thoughts, or beliefs coming up during or after this exercise. The main phrase is, “I forgive myself for judging myself for…” You can add “Because the truth is…” after it. For more information on how to do this, read my earlier column on Forgiving Yourself.

Take compliments 

A lot of people with Impostor Syndrome feel awkward when someone compliments them. A lot of the time, I hear that the complement sets off a chain of events that make people think about the mistakes that were made by the person who was complimented. Or, people with Impostor Syndrome worry that they are getting credit for the whole project when other people help. People often worry about whether the person who complimented them is telling the truth or what they want from you in return. When someone compliments you, it’s usually a sign of a good relationship. To be fully present, we should not react with our Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs), such as mind reading, filtering, and all-or-nothing thinking. Look the person in the eye and say “thank you” and “appreciate” the compliment without denying it, downplaying it, or starting to doubt it. Example: Compliment: “Great job on your presentation!” You were great! Your deck was great. It looked beautiful and really got the point across so well. Response to Impostor Syndrome: “It wasn’t just me.” A lot of people worked together. Also, I forgot to say a few things I wanted to say. Everything went well. Response from the Non-Impostor Syndrome: “Thank you so much!” Thank you so much for sharing that! Thank you so much for your feedback. But what we don’t realize is that the Impostor Syndrome response is often hidden by being humble and giving credit. You can do that, but don’t start with it. Being humble can make someone feel like they can’t connect with you when they try to communicate with you through a compliment, but you turn them down and miss the chance to accept and work on internalizing positive feedback.

Be proud of what you’ve done:

You might feel bad about how your accomplishments make other people feel if you have Impostor Syndrome. You might think that it makes them feel bad or less than. A lot of the time, this interpretation is wrong. People in healthy relationships can be proud of you and help you even if they don’t have what you have. If they are having problems with it, it is their job, not yours, to figure it out and handle how they feel. Try not to keep other people from seeing your successes.

Stay away from bosses and work environments that don’t let you keep your successes.

One important part of professional growth is getting feedback and learning from it, so I’m not talking about not getting constructive feedback. I’m talking about toxic environments where you can’t see or acknowledge your strengths and wins. When you have Impostor Syndrome, you may feel like you need to prove to everyone that you belong and are valuable, which can make you feel insecure about your contributions or the security of your job. Places and people that want to keep you feeling insecure may benefit from doing so. This could be a trap that never ends and makes you tired while you try to prove yourself.

Develop your empathy:

The next step is to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and ask, “Where are they coming from?” It could be a place of pain, fear, or loss. Recognizing that everyone has their problems and fears will help you better understand both yourself and other people. Having empathy for other people helps us connect with them and feel less alone. At first, this was hard for me, but I think we’re meant to be on this together. Entrepreneurs often believe like lone wolves, but this way of thinking can be deadly for many high achievers. Having empathy is a skill that can help you get along better with family, friends, and romantic partners. It can also help you in business by letting you know what your clients and customers want. You can get stuck in the “us against them” trap if you don’t have empathy.

Have faith in Yourself:

We’ve worked hard to make other people’s dreams come true, and we’re so good at reaching heights that no one would expect. We are often scared, though, when we think about making that happen for ourselves. When I felt like I didn’t belong, my husband told me, “When you work as hard for yourself as you do for other people, you will be unstoppable.” That conversation will always stay with me. —Dr. Richard Orbé-Austin It took me a while to really understand the idea, even though I could understand it at the time. It’s possible to work that hard for yourself if you value your thoughts, plans, and ideas as much as you value someone else’s.

Take real care of yourself:

People talk a lot about self-care, but how you actually take care of yourself shows how much you value and care for yourself. Activities that you do for yourself are meant to make you feel better and keep you healthy. So, watching Netflix and chillin’ might feel good at the time, but it might not be real self-care if you don’t feel like you have more energy afterward. It could be fun to do. Pay attention to the kinds of self-care and behaviors that make you feel better, stronger, more present, and more capable. Those are the truly self-care ones.

Teach the next generation how to recognize the Greatness in themselves:

Mentoring and helping the next generation is one of the best things you can do to make the world a better place and feel great about yourself. In this way, you can teach new professionals how to grow, build relationships, be proud of themselves, and value themselves, whether you’re in a formal leadership role or just talking to them about work. You should try not to be angry at their chances, their power, or their voice so that you don’t accidentally shut them up. Learn to respect, help, and believe in the next generation. This will make the world a better place for everyone. Some people are different from you, who haven’t had access and privilege for generations, who are the only ones in their group, and who aren’t the obvious heirs. Support those people. It will help you make fields, companies, and universities more diverse and give everyone the same chances. It will also help you grow a lot and push yourself. There are many ways to own your Greatness. There are many more, but these are some of the best I’ve seen in the years I’ve been a dentist. Please take a moment to think about what you need to change in your daily life to start doing things that will help you own your Greatness.


To sum up, accepting and recognizing our Greatness is good for our mental Health, motivation, and sense of self-worth. It’s not about bragging or making other people feel bad about themselves. Instead, it’s about recognizing our strengths, making goals, and going after our dreams. To make society more diverse and helpful, it’s also important to see the good in others and teach the next generation what they can do. In the end, being great means leaving a lasting legacy and making a positive difference.


What does “personal greatness” mean?

The most important thing in life, and especially as a student, is to become great. You should reach your goals and be the best version of yourself if you want to live up to your full potential. You have to work hard, be dedicated, and believe in your dreams. There are times when that looks like doing heroic things.

How can you get ready to be great?

    • Find out who you are.
    • Make a list of your goals.
    • Try your best to get to them.
    • But be smart about it.
    • Get help.
    • It’s okay to make mistakes.

What is the attitude of Greatness?

“The Greatness Attitude” takes readers on a journey to learn about the habits and ways of thinking of successful people. It stresses that having a positive attitude and a growth mindset is more important than talent or luck when it comes to becoming grea

How do you become great?

We often erroneously think that being great means having a lot of money. Getting rich is usually a result of being great, but it’s not always the case. Honesty, integrity, passion, resilience, grit, self-belief, and strong values are some of the things that make someone great.
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